
Saturday 7 July 2012

Style & Go! - The Start of A Damp/Dry Styling Routine??

So I've been feeling a bit under as I've been having some bad bouts of hayfever and not been to the gym this week. I usually go 2-3 times a week and coincide those days with wash and re-styling. Since I usually want to rinse/wash all the sweat off my scalp.
Today I didn't go to the gym and did not feel like washing my 3rd day hair but my hair was frizzing up all over - I guess "medium- hold" Kiss My Face Upper Management Gel can only last so long (review coming by the way).
I suppose another propeller for this action was Taliah, she had convinced me at the Afro Hair & Beauty Show that styled, defined coils were best achievable on dry Type 4 hair.

So I decided to try a quick re-style on damp hair 1st. Why damp and not dry? I simply like to moisturise my hair with water every day. I used this as an opportunity to lightly hydrate Dafro, but not saturate her .

I also wanted to spot test a couple of curl cremes - Trevor Sorbie's original curl cream and Boots pink curl creme. I used a light gel in this case the Aldi Carino purple gel.  I used a light gel because I was basically refreshing over pre-styled hair that still had some gel left over and did not want to over do the gel situation.

Results of styling on damp nearly dry hair.
To date this method of applying gel onto 2nd/3rd nearly dry hair has been great at producing longer lasting excellent definition.  I'm also the type whom likes twists/twist outs on damp/ semi-dry hair because of better elongation.
So the same principle could be applied here.
A winning method for even more defined coils especially in areas usually hard to define. More elongation on day 1 hair. Basically the kind of elongated and bigger hair you get on day 2 is the type you could get on day 1 with this method.
As for the curl cremes.. they didn't do much for me. The Aldi carino purple gel gave a soft hold.

Have you damp or dry styled? What have been your results?
This method is a Keeper. Currently I've taking to re-styling on 2nd day hair for better definition and elongation which lasts the rest of the week for me.


  1. Great definition...esp in that last pic! The only time I've damp styled my wash and go is on day 2 or 3 when I want to refresh certain frizzy sections (usually in the front). I agree, the resulting definition usually comes out great! But I usually have to be careful not to glob on too much more of the styling product for fear of that dreaded "product-y" feeling.

  2. I tried the damp styling, well my hair was about 90% dry when I applied my styling gel. I got more definition than when I styled my hair wet. My hair dried quicker and the whole process was just so much easier

  3. i do it with ecostyler, works really well.

  4. I too have tried "WNG" styling on hair that was about 90% dry. While the results were great, I wasn't fond of the "product-y" feel. Then again I've never liked lots of product on my hair...but for better or worse as my hair gets longer I'm finding it just needs more product, not just for WNGs but for washing, conditioning, and styling in general.
