Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Introduction, Meet Dafro!

Meet 'Dafro'...

She's been around since December 2004, she's been coloured   at least 3 times, straightened once and cut numerous times by her pesky fickle owner.
After making her utmost displeasure at being straightened in 2011 known. Her owner has decided to log her treatment and behaviour towards Dafro online. You see Dafro can appear to be quite rebellious but in actual fact she is fragile, kinky, coily and crazy about moisture. She knows what she wants and always knows how to get her feelings across. She only acts so hard,because she wants to be treated gently and taken care off properly. (An attitude the owner may be familiar with all too well..)

Hello! I'm Coilychi, The owner of Dafro. 
I'll be using this blog  to showcase and chronicle the care, maintenance and my experiences with several products on Dafro. I refuse to believe that care of such hair type needs to be expensive or break the bank. I will be sharing some hair-tips as well as picking up some from you! I also refuse to believe that the care and maintenance of kinky, coily hair is as arduous as lots claim, hence the name Coily as 123. 
Coilyas123 represents the idea that natural haircare can be simple as 123 :p.
After being in the natural community for so long, I have observed that several practices may not always be necessary and that it's just as important to stick to what works for you and only you.  So though some of my tips and techniques may go against popular mainstream practices. It works for me. Type 4 hair is reknowned for being very difficult to deal with. I strongly believe that this is not the case and desire to show that on this blog.
In time, I hope the progress evident on my hair will serve as testament to this fact. Follow me, comment, suggest, subscribe and watch Dafro's progression.

Thank you for stopping by :)